LE Furniture Repair offers affordable wooden bed frame repair services in the Florida area.
One of my first adult luxuries was a second-hand king-sized wooden bed. For the cost of a metal-framed twin, my friend sold me her giant wooden bed and barely used mattress.
She failed to mention that the wooden bed frame was missing some legs – and others were weak and splintering. This was long before I knew Barry or about LE Furniture Repair’s in-home wooden bed frame repair service. My boyfriend – a diy-er and ‘handyman’ in his own rite – did his best to make our wooden bed frame work. Lots of duct tape and household items were involved – but it wasn’t long before half of the mattress ended up on the floor.
Our graduation from a full mattress on the floor – into a spacious king – should have been a happy time. But instead, our nights were filled with cracking and creaking from the old bed frame below us.
Eventually – after neither of us could take sleeping at a decline angle on the old wooden bed – I was forced to go out and purchase a new bed frame.
I can’t help but wonder how much I would have saved if I’d known Barry and lived in his service area. If you’re in the Boca Raton, Florida area – and in need of wooden bed frame repair – take advantage of all that LE Furniture Repair has to offer.
You don’t need to leave the house, or pack and ship your bed because Barry comes to you! He can make your old, frail wooden bed frame just like new for an unbeatable price. Don’t be like me, when you need wooden bed frame repair services – call the professionals at LE Furniture Repair and sleep easy.