Kitchen cabinet refinishing is one of the most affordable ways to update your kitchen. The best way to go about it depends on your budget, what type of material your cabinets are made from, and whether you rent or own your home or apartment.
Some landlords may not want you to make any changes, others will require that you hire a professional, and a few may even deduct refinishing costs from the rent.
If you decide to DIY, follow these pro tips for best results.
DIY Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing Pro Tips
Label everything. – Label every door, every hinge, every knob, and every nail so that you know where it all goes when it’s time to reassemble. I know that you believe you will remember which hinges goes to which door, but trust me, you’ll thank me when you’re done.
Give your cabinets a wipe down before you start. While it’s tempting to paint over dirt and grime rather than scrub the cabinets clean, skipping steps will show up in your final product. Nothing says DIY like fuzzy kitchen cabinets.
Don’t skip the primer. Professionals use oil based primer or shellac on real wooden kitchen cabinets (as well as particleboard), and you should too. Primer covers stains, evens out the surface, and makes refinishing a heck of a lot easier. Not to mention that you’ll have cabinets you can be proud of when you’re done.
For stress-free professional kitchen cabinet refinishing, call or email LE Furniture today.